Books by John-Paul Flintoff
Between them, my books have been published in 16 languages. They include non-fiction, fiction, illustrated poetry, how-to and memoir. Click here for my Author Page on Amazon.
→ Journalism can be found here
In-depth look at how interviews appeared from nowhere 150 years ago, and went on to shape journalism, therapy, and public discourse. Includes personal anecdotes and historical insights, making a compelling read for anyone interested in the power of conversation.
Lessons from politics, the arts, philosophy, psychology – and evidence from history.
“Learn, as I have, from John-Paul Flintoff. Highly recommend”
- Terry Szuplat, speechwriter to US president Barack Obama.
Published by Profile, 2011.
Books (as illustrator)
The Unbreakable Student, by Nic Hooper
Listen to ⬆️ this conversation ⬆️ with Nic, then click here to see the illustrations.
See also