Went to Brussels for work and visited the square where I once lived.

I was six when we moved to Brussels.
This is one of three squares connected with each other. We had a flat in the building on the right.
I was in Brussels this week to teach storytelling in public speaking, to a group of environmental and social activists from across Europe and parts of Africa.
We worked together for two days. On the evening of the first day, we had a delicious meal in a restaurant that was otherwise entirely empty – it was May Day – and then I went for a walk, looking for places I remembered.
I completed nearly 2 circles on the Apple fitness app thingy which measures footsteps (if this means nothing to you: I walked a long way).
Immediately down the hill from Square Marguerite is Square Ambiorix. I used to play around this statue, and once fell into the water beneath it:

The water was very smelly, and so was I.
As the light dimmed, I saw a boy about the same age as I was then. Strangely, he was dashing around with a bunch of flowers in his hand.
Drawn on iPad using the wonderful Procreate app.
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