One way to make videos is to upload still images in a sequence. You could even upload the same image, but with a variety of amendments, to show a changing view.
This post was inspired by something that happened in my course
Show Yourself In One Great Video.
You can do quite a lot of the editing on an iPhone.
You may know that already, but hey. For those who don’t, here are some screenshots:
It may be easier (less fiddly) if you do the work on a desktop computer:

Why Am I Telling You This?
At the request of course participants, I also recorded a short video demonstration of how I use iMovie to turn still images into a film, with voiceover, sound effects and titles. Click to play:
If you happen to look at this page long after it was posted, I hope you enjoy it. Perhaps it makes you feel nostalgic – how retro it all looks! – and reminds you of good times editing photos on your phone, and movies on your computer.
If you are looking at the page relatively soon after it was posted, you might like to find out more about the group course. It’s really quite nice: