Show Yourself With One Great Video | 2-week course

Learn to tell stories with pictures ✅
Master the tech ✅
Overcome nerves ✅

In this course, you’ll make a short introductory video for a website or social channel – learning from me and by helping each other.

And as a result of making that first one, you’ll have plenty of ideas for other short videos.


What You Want

Before you read any further, ask yourself how you would like viewers of your video to be changed by watching it? If that sounds grandiose, the point is to focus on the effect you’re hoping to achieve.

Previously, when I asked participants that question, replies included:

“I want viewers to be pulled in, to want to see more of what I do, want to know my story – and finally want to own a piece of my work.” (Artist)

“I would like them to feel that (1) they would like to work with me, and (2) that i am a domain expert in burnout.” (Therapist)

“I want people to be motivated to contact me if they need help with a wedding speech, particularly if they are a Father of the Bride. And to be aware that I wrote a well-received and well-reviewed book on the subject.” (Speaking Coach)

“I want my video to help people feel reassured that they could work with me as a therapist, that they will feel safe and supported, and offer hope that change is possible.” (Therapist)

“I want them to feel curious / intrigued about the programme. I’d also want to convey my confidence that anyone can create a business that they love and that works for them – that blocks can be overcome.” (Business Support Coach)

“I would like 1. To provide an easy entry point that encapsulates my practice which is apparently diverse but actually all connected. I’m still looking for the key to this myself. 2. I want to be taken seriously without being pompous. 3. and present with emotional truth.” (Artist)

“I want to come across as approachable yet professional. To convey that there’s nothing to be afraid of – and some basic info about the initial contact.” (Therapist)

“I would like viewers to know enough about my approach to feel reassured and curious.” (Therapist)

“I want viewers to feel that they’ve had a personal introduction to the personalised work I do, and why I genuinely care about doing it well.” (Writer)


Structure Of The Course

What You Will Learn

Slide through the images to see what the course covers:

The sessions are live on zoom to maximise opportunities for you to interact in real-time, but also recorded and shared into a private group so that if you miss something you can catch up on your own time.

The two Zoom calls you really need to attend are the first and the last.

Private Group For Ongoing Support

For two weeks, I’ll be available to answer any questions in a private group on Telegram.

Telegram is like WhatsApp, but with the benefit of not being owned by Meta, which seems to own just about everything else.

What I love about the private group is that it’s a place for everyone to try things, safe in the knowledge that others are doing the same.

At the end of the course, I might offer an additional live video play clinic. Last time I did, the offer was quickly accepted.


Previous Speaking Courses

Participants on my courses have expressed satisfaction, thank you for asking.

They include the bestselling author and TV presenter Philippa Perry (whose name on Instagram is @kevinkittycat), and former US president Barack Obama’s speechwriter Terry Szuplat:

Click to enlarge.


If You Want More

As soon you book the course, you can get additional one-to-one help.

We’ll schedule a one-to-one Zoom. I’ll interview you, create a transcript, and suggest how to use the contents in your video. I call this “Find Your Story, Find Your Voice”, to make it clear that it’s distinct from the group course. Not everybody will want the extra help!

One-To-One Help


To be clear: an additional charge applies, but you can get a big discount if you buy it at the same time as you join the group course.

This helps me to regulate how many I do, so I’m more than happy for you to get that discount. If you click on this button you can learn more but please don’t buy it now because you will only be offered the discount when you join the group course (further down this page):

Learn More


Money Back Guarantee

If you know me already, you should know by now that I really want this course to leave you feeling happy and satisfied.

If you are not happy or satisfied – for any reason or no reason – I will refund your fee in full.

But I think you will be happy. I want you to be happy.

And I have no doubt at all that you can make a good video – a great video.




People have done this course, Show Yourself With One Great Video, provided these testimonials:

Click to enlarge.



You can buy Show Yourself With One Great Video (SYWOGV) on its own, for the usual price of £399, using the link below.

When you do, you’ll be offered the chance to book a two-hour, one-to-one session with me (Find Your Story, Find Your Voice). If you add that to your order now, I’ll throw in one month’s FREE membership of Interview Club, which normally costs £200.

SYWOGV = £399
FYSFYV = £399
Interview Club (1 month) = £200
Subtotal = £998

Buy Them Together Now = £798

AND… the First Ten buyers get a £100 discount. Use the code NOV23 at checkout.

This offer will not be available elsewhere.