A first-time author recently asked me to help get his proposal accepted for publication – and when that happened we collaborated on the manuscript.
Some people might call this being a ghost-writer, but that’s misleading – because this particular book was most definitely written by the author. I was more like an editor / mentor.

Anyway, the point of this post is to show that even when I’m reading someone else’s manuscript I like to read it as a book.
So I printed the book on my ordinary desktop printer as a series of 36-page double-sided booklets.
I stitched these together using Japanese stab binding, and covered the book (clean, perfectly decent, if crumpled) brown paper I found in my wastepaper.
As you see, I additionally embellished it with a print made by carving into a plastic eraser, put a date stamp on the back, and wrapped it in sticky-back plastic.