John-Paul Flintoff Homepage


John-Paul Flintoff, painting on Hampstead Heath

Hello, and welcome to my About page.

I’ve published seven books, in 16 languages: fiction, illustrated poetry, memoir and non-fiction.

The best seller? This one:

How to Change the World

For years I was a journalist on the Financial Times and The Sunday Times of London.


A few years ago, I had a breakdown. In psychiatric hospital, making art was a big part of my recovery.

Today, making art is a big part of how I make a living.

I live in London.

Special Projects

I run a membership programme, Special Projects.

This provides me with a huge boost as I write and make art. In return, I share my own process, and run events to support members.

Find Out More…>.


Over the years, I’ve done a lot of public speaking.

People seem to like hearing about How to Change The World, and about my breakdown and recovery.

And I like giving talks, which gave me an idea for another book:

A Modest Book About How To Make An Adequate Speech by John-Paul Flintoff (book cover, front)

It’s based on a unique combination of classical rhetoric and theatrical improvisation (I trained with the best).

I teach others to speak with confidence.