
Poems for subscribers to What If The Queen Should Die?

To M.B.
What, and how great, the virtue and the art
That's manifested by my old friend Mart.
A student, once, in sleep, you cried, “Uphill!”
Today you stand in pedals by me still:
Your own pledge made, you deftly fetched another
From Uncle Stephen first, and then your mother.
What moved them, by their pledge, to be so kind,
What words you used – in this I'm deaf, and blind.
Whatever! The point is, by expanding
My small crowd, you helped me get the funding.
Now Baxter is a factor, and you Brookes
Do make it possible to print my books.

After the manner of Alexander Pope
(who appears as a character in the novel),
but sincerely meant by JP Flintoff

28 Nov 2014