"Squelch the bad thought!"

Here’s what one young woman said afterwards:

It worked for her. It can do the same for you…

…removing your fear and giving you courage to try things even when you aren’t “ready”.

It will liberate you from the crushing need for approval.

So that you are better able to do what you actually WANT to do in life, instead of going along with other people’s plans, and dying inside.

This kind of liberation is the most valuable thing I can share with anybody

I mean, I can teach you lots of OTHER things with valuable outcomes – like, How To Change The World (the title of my best selling book, published in 16 languages worldwide)…

…or how to tell powerful and effective stories (I worked as a writer and editor on the best magazines and papers in English, and I’ve published fiction too).

But anything I teach you about those topics WILL FAIL if you haven’t first got over your fear, and your self-criticism.

Let me tell you how I know this.

Like I said before, I used to have no idea about this inner critic business.

And gosh did it hold me back!

Like, at school, I was mad about soccer. Really, nuts about it. Played before school, during break, and afterwards too.

Never got anywhere near the school team, mind you, because there were some incredibly talented players at my school…

So when I went to university it never occurred to me to try for the team there, either…

But in the third year I played a friendly with some people in the university team.

They weren’t all that great!

Why didn’t I put myself forward?

Because somewhere rattling around in my mind was the idea that I wasn’t good enough.

Not a fact, an idea. An idea that I never properly investigated.

And THAT is the inner critic at work.

But I didn’t realise.

Later, when I went into journalism, I spent a number of years looking forward to ONE DAY being able to try out for a job on a national paper.

Cor! One day…!

I didn’t spell out this idea in my head, but it was there in the background. At some unspoken level I didn’t think I was good enough, yet.

And THAT was my inner critic at work.

You see how sneaky it is?!

Eventually I got onto a big paper, looked around and discovered that I was absolutely good enough. Really not bad at all. Sometimes even hot stuff, actually.

(Can I say that? Yup.)

I don’t want you to make the same mistake. Seriously: save all those wasted years.

I’m confident that you can do a lot more, and a lot better, than you even dare to believe yourself.

It literally doesn’t occur to you what’s possible.

So let me ask you a question…

Are you excited about the possibility of getting out of your own way, and being hot stuff too?

Thought so.

Then I want you to try this:

How To Silence Your Inner Critic, with John-Paul Flintoff

But to be perfectly clear: this is not for people who intend to do nothing.

It’s not a fish tank, to be enjoyed by merely staring at it.

It’s more like a hammer, or a washing machine: you need to put it into action.

So only take it if you really WANT to…

…if you have weighed it up, and decided it’s right

…and because you WELCOME the modest amount of work that’s required. (About 15 minutes a day, for nine days.)

You may be thinking, I’ve tried this kind of thing before. It doesn’t work

I understand. I know how frustrating that is.

But this system is different. It uses a technique I have never seen anywhere else.

You know those people who can tell a great wine from a merely good wine, just by tasting it?

Well before they become connoisseurs, they’re like everybody else. They don’t know the difference between a good wine and a bad one.

Over time, by practice, they learn to identify fruity notes, hints of oak, tannin, blackberry, and so on.

And eventually, if they taste bad wine, they spit it out at once.

I want that for you. I want you to identify a bad thought instantly, and spit it out at once.

I want you to become a connoisseur of your own thinking.

Mind you, that’s all you’ll be hearing from me about wine.

It could be a bit confusing. You might think that the solution to dealing with your inner critic is to get drunk

Might work for some people I suppose.

For a while, anyway.

But it’s not really a solution, is it?

Instead, I use a different technique to teach you to be a connoisseur.

I learned it from some of the musicians and artists I work with…

I don’t promise to stop the voices forever. In fact, I don’t believe that’s possible. Critical awareness is part of being human.

What I CAN share with you is how to identify the self-defeating thought as quickly as possible, swiftly assess it, and replace it with something that works better for you.

Not something impossibly positive, because that wouldn’t help you.

But something positive ENOUGH to save you a lot of time.

Time you currently waste, feeling frozen, instead of actively doing the things you want to do.

“How have I changed, since the coaching started? I’m more confident to express myself. I’m more curious. I’m less fragile about trying things. I’m better at asking for feedback. I feel more connected” – Martin, social entrepreneur

You may be thinking, I need more help than an online programme can give me

I understand that. I wouldn’t want to do something like this without ANY human connection or accountability either.

That’s why I built it so that each step requires you to leave comments…

…and while I don’t reply to everybody, I read them all.

When I trialled this, I contacted people out of the blue, to check how they were doing.

I might do that to you, when you’re not expecting it.

Send you a text.

Or an email… We’ll see.

One way or another, I’ll be holding you to account.

Here’s a message from one woman who tested this system, after I got in touch with her out of the blue:

When you do this you can engage with others, both giving and receiving mutual support. You’ll see that you’re not alone.

And if you like it, you may want personal help…

This is a great way for us both to find out a bit more about each other.

And if you aren’t sure about one-to-one work, this is a lot cheaper for you.

With How To Silence Your Inner Critic, it will be much easier for you to get the results you are looking for – and faster.

“I thought, maybe we can make a bit of headway and you, like, ballooned it and it was, wow, what have we got? You have some kind of magic there” – Liz, entrepreneur

“John-Paul spoke my language. He helped me get out of my own way. He made me even more confident – no mean feat!” – Michael, actor