How To Price My Original Paintings?

Hello. As you may know, I’ve been doing a lot more illustration and painting recently.

As the following pictures suggest, this started in hospital… which led to illustrated talks in person and then online… then making illustrations for somebody else’s book… various commissioned works… then illustrating my own book.

(The picture on the book’s cover comes full circle. It’s one of the drawings I made in hospital.)

(Click to enlarge.)

In the pandemic, making art became a significant part of my output, and accounted for some of my income. Much of the art was digital – drawn on my iPad. But recently I’ve been doing a lot of paintings on paper and canvas.

I love doing this, and I love selling it, for two reasons:

  1. I need to bring in money
  2. I don’t want to clutter up my home

I wrote this post originally for people who have bought some of my art, asking for help finding a price for my original works: neither too cheap nor too expensive.

Now I’m asking a few others too.

Might you kindly spare the time to answer three questions? I created a survey using Google Forms, and set it up so that you can answer without giving your name (unless you wish to).

The survey is here: