How this can help you
Recommendations from people who have tried Be Yourself In Any Language
“This is about more than foreign languages. Fun, enjoyable, interactive”
“Acting more powerful makes me feel more powerful”
“This made me realise that gesture and expression can be just as useful as being accurate with the words you use”
“Interesting that the things that matter are different to what you’d normally think”
“This makes foreign languages less alien”
“A very innovative way to learn language”
“Gave me more confidence. A wonderful way to connect with others”
“Too much language learning is online and in your head – thanks for trying to change it!”
“Gave me perspective that I’d lost due to nerves. I might not speak perfectly but sod it”
“After this it’s more likely that I might jump in”
“It brought home the importance of embodied language”
“You are allowed to make mistakes and still communicate with confidence”
“I will be more relaxed and inventive when trying to speak foreign languages”
“This challenged my belief that listeners are judging me – they may well be wanting and trying to help”
“Reminds me to be constantly aware of the communication process”
“Make mistakes with commitment – it’s enjoyable”
“Fun, interesting, challenging”
“It’s not only about fluency and accuracy but about understanding the feelings of a person you’re communicating with”
“Think less, act more”
“Be more playful/creative, take more risks and worry less”
“Non-verbal cues are more important than content”
“Really good fun and inspiring”
“Fun and creative. I would do the course again I enjoyed it so much”
“Very productive, thought provoking – and fun!”