A Writer's Year βœοΈπŸ“šπŸ—“οΈ | Members

Hello, welcome to the Writer’s Year Membership Home. If you can’t find what you are looking for, please just ask.


Writer’s ✏️ Drop-In
Every Monday, 5pm UK on Zoom

And on the THIRD Wednesday of Each Month I’ll go into the following topics.

  • 17 Jan 2024 | Write Your Book Proposal In 48 Hours
  • 21 February | Set The Scene with Five Senses
  • 20 March | Impro for Storytellers
  • 17 April | Using Dialogue
  • 15 May | What Comes Next?
  • 19 June | Use Drawings To Create Action (even if you β€œcan’t draw”)
  • 17 July | Assessing Your Overall Structure
  • 21 August | Use Emotion To Unlock More
  • 18 September | What If You Had To Publish NOW?
  • 16 October | Making Your Own β€œBook”
  • 20 November | Sharing Your Work
  • 18 December | Review And Look Ahead

Access to All Live Writer’s ✏️ Drop-Ins

Buy Now: Β£75 / month
Buy Now: Β£200 / quarter
Buy Now: Β£700 / year

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Book your next one-to-one

Please only use this if you have set up or made a payment already.

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Join The Private Group

Depending on your membership, you may have access to the Private Group on Telegram (like WhatsApp).

Join the group here: https://t.me/+T_bf_b7CJeJlMjQ0

Me, waiting for you to join

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