What is The Family Project?

What can you put in The Family Project?

We made this video, on my phone, to get across the idea that The Family Project is interactive.

The job was made more difficult by a) me spilling coffee on lots of the drawings and b) the fact that we all had terrible colds – as you can probably hear.

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Beautiful, heartfelt fragments

“How to tell your family story” sounds simple enough. But when you start to think about it – where do I start? what should I leave out? – the whole thing can become so overwhelming, that we…

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The Family Project, on BBC Radio 4 Saturday Live

Conversations with relatives

How easy is it to talk to your relatives, beyond the superficial? One of the people who inspired us in creating The Family Project was my friend, the author Roman Krznaric. In this short film, he tells me about some powerful conversations he had with his father.

Draw or write your earliest memories

The Guardian invited five writer-illustrators to draw or write their earliest memories – an exercise from The Family Project. (I was one of them.)

Click on the picture to see, in close-up, the wonderful and varied submissions by Steven Appleby, Sarfraz Manzoor,…

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