SYWOGV | Overcome Nerves

2. Overcome Nerves (Highlight)
00:00:00 Starts: In Favour of Nerves
IMPORTANT: This recording is actually from the previous group’s Session 2. I feel like this is “cheating”, but I think it might be just as useful to you.
I’ve cropped in on myself to preserve as much as possible the confidentiality of participants. You may hear names and voices, but I know I can rely on you to keep to yourselves anything about other participants. (Thank you!)
K. says “I just decided to be confident in myself in the sense of, I‘ve got to talk about me, I know this, I know I’ve got my things I’ll go through.”
F. says “When I feel the stress is rising to an unhelpful level, I can, to some degree, just go ‘Phew!’ [exhales] and turn the dial down a little bit.”
S. says “If I’m nervous at all doing a video, I will always get my first sentence written down. Once I’m going, I’m good. It’s just, my first sentence, I can freeze.”