Points Of View | A Drawing Experiment

What happens when you photograph a flat image from different directions? I’ve become a bit obsessed about this (in a good way).

It’s like being a photographer in the room with somebody, moving around to get the best possible angle – something I saw a lot as a journalist when I worked with photographers.

This is a sketch of a politician being interviewed on telly. The prime minister, as it happens, but that’s not the point.


Because it was on TV, the picture I was copying onto paper was itself two-dimensional – flat, with no way to change perspective. Obvious point, but worth stating.

Anyway… having added a spot of colour I took photos of the sketch.

First (above): head on, so that the PM and the interviewer are given equal prominence.

Second: I moved the lens on my iPhone close to the interviewer, giving his point of view of the prime minister (and largely excluding him from the image).

Third: I moved the lens nearer to the PM, keeping her more prominent and central and allowing us to see the interviewer from her point of view.

Not absolutely sure where I’m going with this. But I think there’s something interesting in here about the fertile relationship between analogue art and digital.


Journalists Write Books

Harold Evans, the late legendary editor of the Sunday Times, wrote a good book about how newspapers use photos (and other images). It’s called Pictures On A Page. I recommend it.

In related news…

I’ve opened three slots to mentor journalists who want to write a book. Click the link for details.