When I’m looking for a book to read, and wondering which one to buy, the question always lingering in my mind is: How do I know if I’ll enjoy it? So I take a look inside, and read a bit.
Do you do that too?
You may be aware that I’m publishing a novel, and you may be thinking: hmmm, not sure. I can’t blame you. Why would you buy my novel – or anybody else’s – if you don’t know what the writing is like?
Well, luckily for you I can give a sense of the contents of my novel, What If The Queen Should Die? by directing you towards writing I’ve done before, on similar themes, over a long career as a journalist.
(Journalism taught me some great things about storytelling.)
At the bottom of this page I’ve written a list of things the novel contains – and provided handy links to articles containing the same kind of thing, which I wrote for The Financial Times, The Sunday Times and The Guardian.
Please have a look, and if you enjoy them why not pledge to support my novel (here)? It’s essentially finished already, and only waiting for the last bit of funding so my lovely publisher, Unbound, can design and print it. Then we can post a copy directly to you, and you can plunge into writing that is, in my opinion, hot stuff.
Oh, and if you would be so kind – do please share this post with your friends – because, apart from sampling books myself, one of the best ways I know to find a cracking read is to follow a personal recommendation.
- Adventure this, this, this and this
- Political rivalry this, this, and this
- Spies and spying this, this, and this
- Religious rivalries this, this, and this
- The fear of being all washed-up this, and this
- Chronic health problems this, this, and this
- Inheritance disputes this, this, and this
- Catastrophic loss this this this and this
- Redemption this and this
- Surprise just click on any “this” above!
Note: Picture shows me, pretending to be gripped by my own book, for illustration purposes. It really is gripping, obviously, but I already know what happens